Tuesday 24 May 2016

Nelson Mandela's turning points and achievements

Short Biography Nelson Mandela

 Turning Points: 
  1. Whilst at university Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society.
  2. Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.
  3. In 1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate.
  4. 1962 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison. 
  5. Negotiations were painfully slow and difficult, they eventually led to Mandela’s release in 1990.
Personal Achievement:
  1.   A Lawyer;
  2.    In 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law   firm in South Africa.  
  3.   Member of ANC;
  4.   Defend his own trial and won;
  5.   The first democratically elected State President of South   Africa;
  6.   He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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