Thursday 18 February 2016



* Birth rate is such topic in our time that politicians are too afraid to take about it.
* Mark Steyn said, low birth rates is a pressing problem in Western societies.
* He suggests the immigration may solve the problem.
* The population transformation is the most attractive question of our times.
* He discussed with the PM about the problem, but he felt the PM's will to solve the problem not that much.
* Because of the large amount of immigration, the western societies don't need to rely on the birth rate too much.
* The birth rate of women born in Middle East is much higher then Australian-born women.
* Residences with high birth rates are migrant suburbs.


The low birth rate such a pressing problem in the Western societies that politicians are too afraid to talk about it. However, large number of migrations may solve the problem. In addition, for example, women born in Middle East have much higher birth rate then women born in Australia. At the same time the expansion of immigration could change the cultural structure of Western societies. At last, the situation not only occurs in Sydney, but also exist and may be worse in Western and European nations.


In my opinion, the immigration could be a solution to labour shortage. but like every coin has two sides, it might change the original culture. Therefore, the government should acknowledge and realise such changes and be prepared to deal with any situation that may happens.



  1. Excellent work - you may want to complete Task 4 - commenting on Immigration to Australia.

  2. Excellent work - you may want to complete Task 4 - commenting on Immigration to Australia.

  3. The policy of import immigration would bring more advantages to Australia. It could solve the labor shortage and increase the benefit of economy.
